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Texas Solar Power Incentives Program Going Big



The urgent call to go green living is the latest buzz in healthy living today as new developments arise. One of the easiest ways to go green is living with the use of solar power in homes and businesses. If you want to know more about this topic, you can read the tips and guide below.

The state of Texas is ranked No. 9 when it comes to sunlight that could be used to convert into solar energy. But the state only ranked No. 16 in the amount of solar power it generates. That is why legislators really pushed hard on the Texas Solar Power Incentives.

Texas offers numerous incentives such as property tax rebates and performance based incentives. In this state, it is net metering is used but is not required.

With the growing popularity and easy accessibility of solar power, it has become the latest alternative to energy option. In the state of Texas, there is the current trend called Texas Solar Power Incentives Program which, is sponsored by the state.

The Texas Solar Power Incentives Program was the ultimate driver of the increasing demand of solar energy usage. The Texas Solar Power Incentives Program allows residential as well as commercial users to receive tax exemptions and deductions for using solar panels in houses and buildings.

Texas State Franchise Tax Exemption

In the ordinance, a business that uses solar power energy and at the same time pays a state franchise tax is qualified to receive tax deductions for the cost of the solar panels used.

The tax code allows the Texas Solar Power Incentives Program to deduct the cost of the energy device that provides heating, cooling or producing electrical and mechanical power by collecting and transferring solar energy. The franchise tax exemption is available only to businesses that make, sell or use solar energy devices.

Texas State Property Tax Exemption

The Texas tax code permits and offers a property tax exemption for residential, commercial and industrial applicants that exercise solar power as energy.

The qualifications for the exemption are that the end user must use the solar energy for production, storage and distribution of solar energy on the vicinity. Furthermore, the Texas Solar Power Incentives for property tax is limited to the appraised amount of the property.

Energy Programs of Texas Based Company

Other individual utility companies in Texas also have their own programs that solar energy users may take advantage of. One company offers power rebates and incentives for residential and commercial companies.

Applying for Texas Solar Power Incentives

To apply for the Texas Solar Power Incentives Program one must fill out the form 50-123 or the Exemption Application for Solar or Wind Powered Energy Devices.

With the fast growth of solar energy accompanied by the solar power incentives, it is the right time to encourage and make a the change to the use of renewable energy like solar. It is the time to push clean energy for a clean and healthy future.

Are you looking for more information regarding Texas solar power incentives? Visit http://davidp.cleangreennation.com today!


  • Author (ผู้แต่ง) : David Porterfield
  • Category (หมวด) : Society
  • Keywords (คำค้นหา) : solar power, texas solar power, texas solar,
  • Posted (วันที่) : October 22, 2012 (11:20:48)
  • Viewer (จำนวนผู้ชม) : 6,136
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